Monday 29 November 2004

Stretching didnt work

A lot of the time the conventional advice: stretching. phimocure rings etc doesnt work it seems.  And I have yet to really see a perfect case where it retracts easily.  Even on he has made great progress but I wouldnt call it perfect as it seems the foreskin seems to be scarred and tight - maybe from the unnatural stretching. If the penis is damaged from masturbation the foreskin will always be tight as the shaft has been damaged so it is narrower than the head. 




37yo stretching for 6 months


"Stretching every day for 5 months and still in exact same spot" Source:
Reddit, Mar 2022
Guy so desperate after stretching for ages and it not working he thinks about cutting himself, he writes:
I have severe phimosis. The kind where I tried to fix it endless times only to grow scar tissue that doesn't stretch (not as easily as normal skin). I'm planning on getting a sterile surgical blade, alcohol, and just do a small cut over the very tip so I can stretch it better fuck it. One would think paying a doctor for this simple surgery wouldn't be expensive, but it kind of is. Should I just do it? I'm a grown ass man by now, and I did try to fix this when younger, but every time I skipped even a day of stretching there would be twice the scar tissue than the day before.


Guy stretching for 6 months with no progress - porn addict too

He writes: 

"Hey yall im back again after a year or so, last year i have been extremely depressed and started to neglect myself and that includes my phimosis. However, im tryna get back into the game now

Just wanna know if the two finger method is still effective (i did this for 6 months but not much results) and should i start using lube for masturbation."


10 years of stretching: I sent a message to my GP requesting treatment for Phimosis (I am in the UK). Has anybody else been through this? Not sure what to expect, but looking for advice. 10 years of stretching and topical creams have not worked.

Reddit July 2022
He writes: 
"What happens if you stop stretching? Does your foreskin naturally get tighter again if you stop stretching it? Or will it just stay in the same state until you continue? i feel like ive hit a brickwall with it all, can retract when flaccid with ease and can retract with ease when erect i just cannot get it back over the head with ease it requires a lot more force and isn’t a natural glide
...been at this stage for a few months now bro, just seems like once I’ve stretched it it definitely looks like progress has been made but then 1/2hrs later it returns to normal and is very disheartening man"

Source: Reddit, July 2022


Stretching for a year:

I have been at stretching for the last year or so. I’m able to easily stretch while flaccid and clean daily. The sensitivity is also almost gone since I run shower water comfortably over it now. However, only recently I was able to retract beyond head WHEN ERECT (honestly it felt weird and had to put a little force). As soon as head was crossed, the foreskin just sticks beneath the glans tightly and I’m not able to pull further. It feels tight and as if
something’s fully stopping the movement. I was however able to get it back over glans easily (had lube on so guess it helped). Do I have frenulum breve or should I continue with phimosis stretching?? Also how many days more can I stretch to cure?? Please help!

As you can see heightwise and widthwise the shaft is narrower than the head.  this has been caused by damage to the penis shaft.  Which means it is getting stuck behind the head.

Guy stretching for 2 years writes: I discovered my phimosis a couple of years ago and now I'm hell lot irritated with stretching and shit. The water is going over the head now. I am thinking of seeing a proper urologist and get the best treatment. Whatever they may suggest. I feel my penis is irritated and I can't think of any home remedy now. I've tried it all. Nothing worked. I have a tight frenulum which doesn't want to stretch. A little phimosis too. Anything I should keep in mind before proceeding furthur?


Young guy with pinhole been stretching for 3 months without progress writes: Hey so basically I need help with 2 things. For some context I have pinhole phimosis 1. I’ve been stretching for maybe 3 months now and I haven’t seen any real progress so I’m not sure if i’m applying my phimocure ring right. Would attach a picture but I’m underage. Does anyone have a video of someone with pinhole applying a ring? I’m not sure if I’m wearing mine right because it’s not stretching 1. I have phimocure rings but I lost the 3rd smallest size, which I was using to stretch. Will I be able to sort of skip the 3rd and move on to the 4th or will it be too much?

Thank you for any help I’m deadass so lost with all of this lmfao

Guy stretching for 6 months without progress: 

I have frequently seen claims on this subreddit that imply that simple stretching is a viable solution for the vast majority of males suffering from phimosis. For example, the informational side-bar states, "conservative treatment methods are effective in more than 90% of cases for young men." I would like for this to be true, but I have not been able to find any actual scientific studies that show this. All I could find was this study which was conducted in boys aged 4-14, not adult men.

Is anyone aware of any medical studies conducted in males >16/18 y/o males that show the efficacy of stretching methods for phimosis?

For the past six months, I've been doing the stretching methods outlined on "" for about 30-60 minutes per day, as well as using steroid creams for 3-4 weeks, and I've made very little progress, unfortunately. That's why I'm asking if there is any medical literature that shows that stretching consistently works in adults.

I haven't been doing it for 3-4 weeks, I've been doing it for 6 months. I used the steroid cream for 3-4 weeks, as that's how long the doctor said it's safe to use it. I usually do 15 minutes in the morning when I wake up and 15 minutes before bed, with the occasional 15 minutes during the day. The only period I made any progress was the first 3-4 weeks when I was using steroid cream, but it was minor and when I discontinued it, my foreskin returned to how it was before. I tried doing a month where I was only doing it every 48 hours (that's what he advises on, but that didn't seem to make a difference. I'm starting to wonder whether for some forms of phimosis stretching just won't work.

Source: Reddit, Sep 2022


Guy tried stretching but got a circumcision (looks to have had lichen sclerosus):

I did try stretching with creams but no rings, didn't make much of a difference, doc said there's less chance due to my age being 35 and also there was quite a bit of scar tissue due to previously tearing it a few times when attempting to have sex. This scar tissue is not stretchable.


I’ve been using steroid cream, moisturiser and stretching for a few weeks with very little progress, and in the last few days my skin has completely dried up, become tighter and is now peeling and displaying a lot of redness.